Wrong Assumptions

Wrong Assumptions What are assumptions? Assumptions are defined as the act of taking possession or asserting a claim; something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof Therefore wrong assumptions can be defined as something wrongly taken for granted or falsely accepted as true without proof. Making wrong assumptions is not innate but is a learned behavior in my opinion. Often times we are too lazy to find out the entire truth so we assume. As Christians often times we believe that if we take God’s word on the surface that its “good enough”. We believe because God is a God of mercy and the Bible tells us that He is good, it’s okay for us to pick and choose what we “feel” is right or wrong. Hence, wrong assumptions . For instance we assume that if we go to church every Sunday and “live right” God is automatically happy with us or is on our side. We assume as human beings in general; that is believers and unbelievers alike; that with such things as material p...