
Showing posts from August, 2016

When love seems hard

When Love Seems Hard 1st Corinthians 13 has long been my go-to scripture whenever I think about the topic of Love. It does such a great job of defining love and it provides the guidelines for love. It's a scripture that I usually attribute to love between a husband and wife but I've recently come to realize that it's not just to define and the guidelines of love between husband and wife but also amongst the brethren. Have you ever encountered a situation where you have shown love at all costs according to the scripture, but still you are left with asking yourself , "why is love so hard?" "I show this person so much love and yet she behaves so retched, she makes it difficult to love." "I do all I can for him and still he makes it difficult to love him." Suddenly you find yourself on that thin line between love and hate. When love becomes hard. Chapter 13 of 1st Corinthians was the Apostle Paul's way of teaching the Corinthians the essent...