
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Power of words

It is amazing how 26 letters of the English alphabet make up hundreds of thousands of words. Growing up I remember how mean my peers were to me in just the words they spoke. Eventually I learned to sing a particular song as a defense strategy against those bullies, " Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me."  Lol. I'm not very sure who came up with that little song, but the truth of the matter is, I've come to understand how far from true that little song is. Those negative words spoken to me had an impact on me.Words do hurt!! Words have power! Words actually cut deeper and hurt more than sticks or even stones. Words touch your heart! Words can bring things together and words can tear things apart. That is the power of words. In Genesis 1:3, it is the manifestation of words spoken by God that brought the world into existence (also see Heb. 11:3). Furthermore, it is the manifestation of words that made a lion a lion and a bear a bear a...