The Power of words

It is amazing how 26 letters of the English alphabet make up hundreds of thousands of words. Growing up I remember how mean my peers were to me in just the words they spoke. Eventually I learned to sing a particular song as a defense strategy against those bullies, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." Lol. I'm not very sure who came up with that little song, but the truth of the matter is, I've come to understand how far from true that little song is. Those negative words spoken to me had an impact on me.Words do hurt!! Words have power! Words actually cut deeper and hurt more than sticks or even stones. Words touch your heart! Words can bring things together and words can tear things apart. That is the power of words.

In Genesis 1:3, it is the manifestation of words spoken by God that brought the world into existence (also see Heb. 11:3). Furthermore, it is the manifestation of words that made a lion a lion and a bear a bear as Adam was given the authority to call out names for each animal and as he spoke so they were (Gen. 2:20). So you see that words have power and are capable of giving you authority to call things into existence and those things exist because you called them into being. An authority that should not be taken for granted but often is. 

Words are available to you as a result of what you are thinking, seeing or feeling. They are a reflection of what is in your heart. As Jesus said "...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (Matt. 12:34). You can use words to bless or you can use words to curse. Depending on the content and state of your heart (pure and innocent or full of hate and contempt) the words you utter from the depth of your heart come to life and take effect. Positive words uplift, Negative words put down. Words have the power to give life and words have the power to take life! I heard of the story of a young man a few months ago who took his life because of the power of words. Words spoken by someone else to him advising him to take his life and he listened. 

Solomon said in Proverbs 28:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Once words come out of your mouth they become planted as seeds that bear fruit. That fruit makes a difference in the countenance of your brother or sister giving them happiness and joy or sadness and pain. Words carry power, they are eaten and digested. Because words have to be eaten and digested, Paul said in Colossians 4 verse 6, "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." 

How are you using your words? To build up or to destroy? Proverbs 12:6 says "The words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush, but the words of the godly save lives." Our words must be to lift up and not to put down. We must cultivate this as a habit, learning to take authority using our words properly and using 'The' Word to obtain our victory. 

A simple compliment can make the difference in someone's day who has already been convinced by the Devil that he or she is no good and of no use. Simple and gentle yet powerful can words repair what has been deemed destroyed and desolate. Jesus healed and cast out demons with words. You have been given authority to do the same. 

According to James (chapter 3 verse 8) no man can tame the tongue because it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. By the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit however, through the transformation of the heart you can speak life, empower, transform, and inspire yourself and others with this same tongue. Considering what Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 what is abundant in your heart is what is reflected in your words. Therefore endeavor to fill our hearts with whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report, as Apostle Paul said, 'meditate on these things' (Phil 4:8) so that it may be reflected in your words.

Words are the seeds sown by the tongue, they are powerful and can even be likened  to a weapon of mass destruction if used incorrectly. Words are free, it's how you use them that costs you.-KushandWizdom Use your words wisely.



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