Broken to Breakthrough
Broken to Breakthrough
I found that there are 10 meanings under the word Brokenness in the dictionary. The 7th meaning in the dictionary states 'subdued totally;humbled'. It then refers the meaning to a broken spirit, which is just perfect for the context of this subject. Brokenness is the process that brings the believer to the truest essence of humility. When you are broken, all walls are being brought down, all that fallibly kept you standing without God is taken away. In the state of brokenness all is stripped away and make you into what God desired you to be. You may be wondering if the other definitions of brokenness are not important. Well, they are unimportant when you consider the end results. When things are broken, the natural tendency is to throw those things away. Hope is given up and the item is deemed useless. In a marriage that has experienced infidelity or in any other relationship where trust has been compromised we deem it fit to just discard and walk away. The human mind and heart has rightfully decided that the best thing to do with something that is broken is to throw it away and look for something new. But you see, God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27).When we are broken God has the ability to put us back together. He has the capability to mold us as the potter molds his clay into a beautiful piece of art. In this state we even function better than ever before. Isaiah 64:8 says "...We are the clay and You are the potter; and we are the work of Your hand." A renewed you, a recreated you is the masterpiece of God's hand.
What we don't realize is that our lives become a landfill of broken items that create pressure that can never be released unless we take it to God in prayer. This was the cry of King David in Psalm 51, as he pleaded with God to create in him a new heart. He admitted that his sins and transgressions had broken him and he needed a new heart. Notice his cry to God was not to have a repaired heart, he specifically asked God, the Potter, to create a new heart. The significance of this is to be able to operate in the manner that will glorify God. To rid he body and the mind of the sinful habits that once held him bound. In the state of brokenness we are set free from pride, stubbornness, rebellion, disobedience and anger that don't allow the Holy Spirit to freely move in our lives and direct us in the will of God. This is the time that we must subdue our spirit and completely humble ourselves before God. In your state of brokenness God is able to use you. How useful is an egg if its not broken, even when it has gone through the pressure of boiling water. It's only after it has been broken that you are able to access the contents that are so useful to you. Broken to become beautiful. Broken to become useful. Broken to experience victory. Broken to rise above. Broken to heal. Broken to experience freedom. Broken to overcome. Broken to be released from shame. Broken to breakthrough.
Ask God to break you today so that you can breakthrough those challenges you are facing. Pray that God will create a new heart within you.
Shola Saka Fashina
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